Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Drunk Flying Man..

A guy walks into a bar at the top floor of large skyscraper and asks for a strong one. He drinks up and asks for another one. After quite a lot of drinks he walks over to a table where there are two men sitting, talking and drinking. "I'll bet you guys 5000 bucks I can jump out that window and land safely on street below!" 
The two men look at each other then agree to accept the bet. So the drunk walks to the window and jumps out. The two men can hardly believe their own eyes when they see him land safely on the street and again enter the building. "How'd you do it?!" they ask in amazement when he enters the bar again. 
"Well, you see." the drunk replies. "There is this ventilation shaft straight below this window, and the stream of air is so strong, it slows you down enough to land safely on the grid. Why don't you try it yourselves?" 
So, both the men hurry to the window and jump out, facing certain death as they hit the street at high speed. 
At this point, the bartender walks up to the drunk and says: "You know what, Superman? You can be a real jerk when you're drunk!"

Batman: The Killing Joke (Joker told a joke to Batman)

“See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum... and one night, one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they're going to escape! So, like, they get up onto the roof, and there, just across this narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away in the moon light... stretching away to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend didn't dare make the leap. Y'see... Y'see, he's afraid of falling. So then, the first guy has an idea... He says 'Hey! I have my flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk along the beam and join me!' B-but the second guy just shakes his head. He suh-says... He says 'Wh-what do you think I am? Crazy? You'd turn it off when I was half way across!”

A joke from The Watchmen movie and comicbook.

Rorschach: I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Joke from British TV series .. Mind Your Language.


A man has gangrene in his left leg so the doctor wants to cut it off. After the operation, the doctor look blue. "What is the matter, doc?" ask the man. "I have a bad news and a good news" said the doctor. "Give me the bad news first, doc".  The doctor sadly answered "I chopped off the wrong leg." The man nearly fainted but control himself and asked "And the good news doc?". Doctor answered excitedly, " The other one is getting better".